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Free printable notebook paper and handwriting practice sheets

20 Jul

One of my children has a very difficult time with handwriting, so I latch on to anything I can that I think will motivate him!  This summer, I’ve given him a few different projects to work on, and this free printable handwriting paper site has been wonderful.  I also like this site which has printable manuscript and cursive practice as well as other free handwriting paper downloads.  This site allows you to create customizable paper if you want to create a themed paper.

And while we’re at it, this site and this site enable you to create customizable handwriting practice sheets.

One last thing, I love this site for the versatile, customizable graph paper you can create and print!

Rockford’s Rock Opera

4 Jun

Rockford’s Rock Opera is an interesting website I stumbled upon.  I have to be honest… it took help from my 7-year-old for me to really understand how great this website is.  I’m not even sure how to describe it.  It is an interactive story.  There is music.  There is a message about extinction and taking care of our planet.  Definitely worth checking out!

Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse by Marilyn Singer

2 Jun

Poetry, fairy tales, and a unique twist!  This book of poems, based on popular fairy tales and their characters, intrigued me immediately.  Each poem is written in two directions.  Read down for one take on a character or situation, and then the poem is flipped for you, giving a totally different perspective on the same subject matter.  For example, using all the same words in a different order, she delivers two poems about the tale of Goldilocks.  The first one is from Goldilocks’ perspective, claiming that the bears left the door unlocked and weren’t home, and she’d meant no harm.  The second describes the distressing scene the bears found in their own home after Goldilocks made her notorious visit.  Quite clever!